
3 Strategic Pillars to Build Loyalty With a Hispanic Audience

Article originally published on Entrepreneur The United States is changing as a nation. Youthful diversity is becoming the counterweight of white aging consumers. This demographic and cultural shift is challenging...
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3 Ways Your Small Business Can Pivot Toward Focusing More on Hispanic Consumers

Article originally published on Entrepreneur It is estimated that by 2021 more than 50 percent of the U.S. population growth will be attributed to Hispanics based on a report from...
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U.S. Hispanic Consumers: A Demographic Revolution in the Corporate World

Article originally published on Entrepreneur America is going through a transitional period in the midst of a demographic revolution. Our future is no longer as predictable as we once imagined,...
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3 helpful tips to boost your educational enrollment with Hispanics

Article originally published on LinkedIn America is changing and multicultural consumers are driving the growth of this great nation. According to a Claritas report, there are over 131 million multicultural Americans making...
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What Can The Census Teach Us About Multicultural Marketing?

Article originally published on LinkedIn During times like this — when business slows down for unexpected reasons like the Coronavirus, financial uncertainty, or where it is no longer business as...
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Hispanic car buyers: 4 tips to drive up your dealership’s sales

Article originally published on LinkedIn America is going through a transitional period in the midst of a demographic revolution. The results of the 2020 census will prove it. According to...
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Cultural relevancy: A key component for brand success with multicultural consumers

Article originally published on LinkedIn As we recover from the pandemic, companies are trying to create momentum again. It is inevitable that adjustments in their marketing strategy will be necessary...
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4 Marketing Myths That Will Alienate Hispanic Consumers

Article originally published on Adweek Today, understanding your consumers and their lifestyles is more vital than ever. However, like every relationship, you must invest time and nurture it. You can’t...
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Young Consumers Are Paying Close Attention to Your Company’s DEI Efforts

Article originally published on Adweek Do you realize how significant a shift, demographically and culturally, is happening right now in the U.S.? Today’s youth are far more diverse than prior...
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